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Insurance Needs

Information You Need

Understanding Insurance Responsibilities in Property Management

At Harcourts Peninsula Properties, we dedicate ourselves to the protection and enhancement of your investment through meticulous property management. It's essential to recognize that while we don't hold ownership of your property, we shoulder responsibilities similar to those of a homeowner in its management.

Our Coverage and Its Boundaries

We are equipped with a comprehensive Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance policy, alongside General Liability insurance, to safeguard against claims directly related to our professional services. However, it's crucial to understand that these policies do not extend to incidents related to the physical aspects of the property itself.

Liability and the Need for Comprehensive Protection

Our extensive approach to managing your property does not cover all aspects that a Landlord insurance policy would. This includes, but is not limited to, personal injuries on the premises, theft, fire, or water damage—situations that fall outside the purview of a Property Manager's policy.

The Solution: Extending Coverage to Property Management

To ensure comprehensive protection, we require landlords to list Harcourts Peninsula Properties as an 'additional insured' on their Landlord insurance policy. This inclusion broadens the coverage to encompass us, offering a complete safety net that addresses all liability aspects. This step is paramount for a fully protected partnership, granting peace of mind to both the property owner and our management team.

Commitment to Your Peace of Mind

Our priority at Harcourts Peninsula Properties is to offer unparalleled property management services while ensuring all legal and financial safeguards are in place. Including us in your Landlord insurance policy fortifies our partnership and secures your investment against unforeseen risks.

For more details on this insurance requirement or assistance with the inclusion process, please reach out to our office. We are here to guide you through these critical steps to secure and enhance our partnership.

Kitsap County Property Owners

We view your home as if it were our own, offering a spectrum of property management services tailored to your needs as a landlord or homeowner. Our goal is to provide the highest level of service for your home, ensuring both satisfaction and security.

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